
Healthy Living

The Importance Of Strength Training For Women

Strength training is one of the most effective ways to eradicate fat and build lean muscle. This type of training may turn off many women because they fear that weightlifting will make them look too “manly,” or they are confused by all the different ways to build muscles. While women don’t have the hormone profile to pack on a lot of muscle, adding strength training to your fitness regimen will increase lean body mass and decrease fat.  

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Embracing Discomfort: The Unexpected Path to Transforming Your Life

Embracing discomfort to transform your life means trying new things that push your limits and may make you uncomfortable. This could mean starting a fitness plan, giving up favorite foods, or attending social events you have avoided. It's about overcoming temporary discomfort to build resilience and mental toughness to experience personal growth. This approach can lead to feeling stronger, managing stress better, and realizing your full potential.

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Don't Exercise to Lose Weight!

Don't Exercise
Women over 60 need to change their mindset about exercising and weight loss. Can exercise help you lose weight? Yes, if you do the proper type of exercise and follow a healthy diet. So why should you stop thinking about exercise as a way to lose weight? Keep reading to find out...

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Gut Health for Healthy Aging


Recent research has found that the body's fountain of youth begins in the gut.

For women over 60, having a healthy gut is paramount to healthy aging.

How is your gut health?

What is the gut?

Our gut comprises our whole digestive system from the mouth to the anus.

It is responsible for absorbing nutrients, housing billions of good and bad bacteria, and eliminating waste.

After a half-century of exposure to things like eating processed foods, stress, and environmental toxins, your microbiome…

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How I Stopped Peezing, and You Can Too!

How to Stop Peezing

I like many things about getting older, but wetting myself every time I sneeze, cough, pick up something heavy, run or jump isn't one of them. 

Peezing is very common for women over 60.

Because wetting yourself after your toddler years is somewhat embarrassing, we tend not to talk about it. Unfortunately, however, urinary incontinence is very common!

Especially as we age. 

In fact:

  • 15% of women between 40 and 49
  • 25% of women ages 60-69
  • 38% of women 70 and older suffer from urinary incon…

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Body Confidence After 60


What is your first thought when you see a picture of yourself?

When you shop for clothes, do you look for clothing that fits your shape or flowy items to hide your body?

Are the majority of your feelings about your body positive or negative?

We often hear about teenage girls or young women's body image issues. Rarely do we read or hear about women over 60 and their struggles with body image.

Body dissatisfaction or disordered eating in midlife is often minimized, which is made clear by the l…

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Self-Care Practices That Benefit Your Mind, Body & Soul

Self-Care Practices That Benefit Your Mind, Body & Soul

No one will ever take care of you, as well as you can take care of yourself!

On our way to becoming wise crones, we spent most of our lives looking after families & friends and building careers. We need to learn to care for ourselves and become more self-focused. 

That doesn't mean you stop doing all the things that are important to you or caring for others. But, instead, it means that if you don't look after your own needs, you won't have the strength and energy to live your best life!

Life …

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What You Need to Know about the Physical Effects of Anxiety


I started suffering from anxiety in my early twenties. I married and moved away from home for the first time when I was 20 years old. After my husband finished college, we moved to the east coast, about 1200 miles from home.

The first couple of years it was exciting! We didn't have children, and we spent every weekend and vacation exploring up and down the coast.

But about 3 years into living there, I started to experience panic attacks whenever my husband was traveling and I was home alone. T…

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Ancient Techniques to Quiet Your Mind


For millennia, people have sought methods to quiet their minds.

Long before modern technology introduced new distractions into our lives, humans have pursued inner peace. Life seems to be moving faster and crazier than ever before.

If you're seeking a method to quiet your mind and achieve inner peace, these four ancient techniques have proven effective even by today's standards.

Practice Meditation


  1. Practice breathing meditation. Breathing meditation is a simple and effective method fo…

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Using Mindfulness & Meditation for Weight Loss Success

vector illustration of better health keys

Mindfulness & meditation is important for many aspects of your life! But have you ever thought of using mindfulness and meditation to improve your weight loss success?

Losing weight is rarely easy, and this is especially true for women over 60. After diet upon diet, workout program upon workout program, book after book, achieving a healthy body weight becomes defeating and exhausting.

Part of the reason these "fad" diets don’t have high success rates is that they’re too restrictive and are sel…

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