“Aging is not “lost youth,” but a new stage of opportunity and strength.” 

Betty Friedan

Hi! I’m Rebecca Calhoun

                                                                                                                                      Rebecca in the vineyard

I want to welcome you to the Crone Community!

I started The Creative Crone blog as a way to build a community of women like me who want to create a joyful, active retirement. 

I am on a continual quest to live my best life, even if I don't always practice what I preach. Follow along as we journey together into our crone years!  Get involved by sharing with me in the comments. I look forward to hearing your voice!

My dream is to help other women like myself live happy, healthy and financially secure lives. 

We can all grow and learn from each other!


Latest Posts From The Creative Crone Blog!

Navigating My Love-Hate Relationship with Meditation

I have to come clean. I have a love-hate relationship with meditation. If you have followed my blog, you might have noticed that I often write about meditation. Even if the article isn't about meditation directly, meditation is usually one of the "cures" for whatever is causing discomfort in your life.
I'm sure I give the impression that I am a Zen meditation guru who spends at least an hour every day in quiet meditation with a smile on my face. 
Nothing could be further from the truth!

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The Importance Of Strength Training For Women

Strength training is one of the most effective ways to eradicate fat and build lean muscle. This type of training may turn off many women because they fear that weightlifting will make them look too “manly,” or they are confused by all the different ways to build muscles. While women don’t have the hormone profile to pack on a lot of muscle, adding strength training to your fitness regimen will increase lean body mass and decrease fat.  

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Embracing Discomfort: The Unexpected Path to Transforming Your Life

Embracing discomfort to transform your life means trying new things that push your limits and may make you uncomfortable. This could mean starting a fitness plan, giving up favorite foods, or attending social events you have avoided. It's about overcoming temporary discomfort to build resilience and mental toughness to experience personal growth. This approach can lead to feeling stronger, managing stress better, and realizing your full potential.

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